As a digital marketer, and MSc student in 2020, social media is hard to avoid. In the UK during 2019 statistics show that 45 million of us are actively using social media including 39 million utilising social media via mobile devices. This equates to 67% of the population engaging with social media networks. This has changed the landscape for communication of many businesses in the last decade but as it continues to grow, what could possibly be next? Looking five years into the digital future, can we predict the direction of things to come? For a business owner engaging with a digital marketer, analysing trends can offer an insight as to how to align social media marketing campaigns for 2020 and beyond. 

As Holdcroft Digital Marketing focuses towards the SME, this insight will be from the perspective of the smaller business. This is important to me as highstreets across the UK are diminishing as small business owners look for digital solutions to fewer shoppers on the high street. 

This blog investigates what can be expected in social media marketing by 2025 and beyond to keep the small business at the sharp end of the digital marketplace 

What will social media look like in 2025? 

In simple terms, social media is evolving and although Facebook gave us the ability to like and share with the world, imagine a world whereby wearing a pair of glasses at home could be the new way you visit your GP? Perhaps the new way to attend lectures and classrooms at a digitally connected college or university? By 2025 it is predicted that the average user will interact wit a digitally connected device 4,800 times each day making smart devices the new normal. Digital technology is progressing rapidly and with it, our greater need to keep up with it. 

Augmented and virtual reality in social media 

Let’s look at the place of augmented and virtual reality predicted for 2025.Not forgetting the customer journey wherever it may begin and for many small business owners, finding new ways to engage with consumers from home could be the difference in success or failure of an independent retailer. 

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After an initial failed attempt by Google to release “Google Glass”, poor sales and very mixed reviews lead to the withdrawal of the concept however, Apple after heavy investment claim to now be only 3 years away for a market release of its own Apple Augmented Reality glasses. A concept that brings new life into how we view products in a store or even more likely, bringing the store to your own home with virtual hologram assistance described brilliantly online as being part of the Star wars Jedi council but with glasses. 

With progression in technology pushing towards closer connections with people and experiences, digital marketing will become much more about the personalised experience. Facebook is no different, by 2025 Facebook are seeking improvements within three key areas, AI, augmented reality and connectivity. Achieving this by heavy investment in AI and augmented reality technologies. Giving further support to the direction of the future of social media and its quest to evolve from its offering in 2020. Businesses utilising Facebook and other social media channels will need to adapt digital marketing strategies to reflect such changes. The problem facing businesses is how to achieve this and how it can be made an attractive feature to…… 

During 2019, Facebook released its own version of video calling called portal. A form of AI powered technology with elements of augmented reality. Targeted predominantly at the home use and the connection of family and friends could soon be wider spread amongst business users. A sensible strategy by Facebook to promote in such a way as this type of consumer interaction will become more appealing to business users as the product arrives into more homes across the UK and worldwide. 

Related imageIn the case of retail shop owners, the equivalent of calling to view items with an actual person prior to online purchasing, building on the customer journey and the relationship between shops, brands and consumers, offering a new level of service to a changing consumers market. 

An area to watch leading towards 2025 with portal style technologies becoming more popular with social media users and marketing strategies designed to optimise its capabilities to sell products and services. With potential to support not only retail business but hotel and restaurant sectors also. 


YouTube in 2020 is second only to its parent company Google and by 2025 will follow personalisation trends pushing content to its users. This means for a business to grow awareness needs to consider the use of organically grown video content. Video is rapidly growing and by 2021, 80% of internet traffic will be via a video source. This orchestrated correctly will drive traffic to your business or brand. Businesses who currently have little to no video content may find competitors offering video content become more discoverable by consumers. 

If your business does not offer video content as part of it’s marketing strategy, now is the time. 

Smart speaker market growing 

Becoming recognised by smart speakers will become a high priority for a digital marketer by 2025. This is due to the nature of how we search for data and information.Classed as a global megatrend, projected market growth of 34.7% overall reaching worldwide value of $14.4 billion by 2025. Amazons Alexa being at the forefront of the market. The socially interactive speaker in this case the Amazon Alexa can already answer questions, give updates to local, national and international events and order products via Amazon. The problem facing businesses will be understanding how smart speakers and devices can understand their business and deliver clear messages to consumers. 

As the director of Holdcroft Digital Marketing, I seek not only innovation but sustainable methods for clients, keeping an eye on future trends and working to build local awareness and SEO at each stage. The aim is to build the best customer journey possible and the movement towards AI and augmented reality will be a step towards improving how businesses can reconnect with its targeted audience and perhaps introduce them to new ones previously not approached before. 

For more information and links to helpful guides please visit our website for more insights, blog pages and useful social media marketing tools.